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Pulling test

Elasto-inclino method

  Load test

Stress test (Pulling test, also known as the elasto-inclino method)
The test consists in generating a certain load on the tree by means of a rope and a winch.
While the tree is being stretched, sensors are placed on the trunk to check the extensibility of the fibers and
the deflection of the root ball, send the collected data to the computer. Simultaneously
a dynamometer mounted on a rope sends data on the currently acting force on the trunk

The test is performed to check the strength of the tree in its weakest place to twist or break.

If the tree is tilted, it should also be examined in the direction of the tilt,
for this is the likely direction of the takedown in the wind.

The test shows the strength of the trunk at fracture in the place where the sensors are installed.
Inclinometers measure the deflection of the entire root ball during the test, which results
is the level of the tree's tilt strength.



Is it possible for a tree to fall over during the test?


Not. Because the entire study is secured by sensors that study the inclination of the tree. They only allow the tree to be loaded up to a certain degree of swing, which is considered the point from which the tree will return to its original state.

Polish Arborist Mateusz Sahs

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Polish Arborist Mateusz Sahs


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